Saturday, February 18, 2012



What about your match tomorrow?!
-She'll be back by then.
But tomorrow I'm still hanging out with you.. right?
-When you time travel a lot you tend to create paradox versions of yourself..
But.. Wait, what..
-Don't worry Camo, I trust her... me.. whatever. I'm asking you to trust her too!
But?! But.. *sigh* Alright ma, just.. Just don't get yourself killed.
-Whaha, that's the least you should be worried about Camo.

And what about me?! You promised my compensation for my lost bounty!
-I will, Zero. I shall keep my promise. Just keep contact with me.
Yeah, and how am I supposed to contact you..
-You still have my phone number?
-Oh c'mon! I just know you have it, ehehehe.
..Yeah I do..
-Oh god why.

Are we done now?
-Yeah, see ya Camo!
Bye ma!

Friday, February 17, 2012



-I can't remember much from my human past.. 
I'm talking about our past, the time before we split up. When we were still that young naive time travelling girl. Who claimed to be the most badass pirate ever.
-A pirate? Yeah, I do remember that! 
Thank god you still remember! Give it some time for everything to come back. But we have to go now.

-Uh, yeah. Let's go!

Hey! But, MA?!