Sunday, June 17, 2012

Go Round and Round


???: Ma'am I'm in the bus with Jones and some friend of him. Shall I come to action?
???: Good job Qi'Dao! Are there any bounty hungry looking figures there as well?
Qi'Dao: No Ma'am, We are the only ones. And I think Grid wants to flee from this world just as you said he would.
???: Yes, good. Then do as planned. Be nice to him though, I bet he is really scared right now.
Qi'Dao: I shall try miss!
???: Thank you for the heads up Qi'Dao, have a safe flight back.
Qi'Dao: I will Ma'am! Have a good show tonight!
???: Hehe thanks, bye!

The Wheels of the Bus-


Grid: Yeah let's take the bus to the airport. Best idea ever. And why is a bus driver accepting weaponry in here?!
Jin: You don't know anything of this planet do you, it's a butt hole filled with criminals. The bus driver just doesn't want your sword down his throat.
Grid: Still, see that guy over there? I bet he's onto my bounty. I can just feel it.
Jin: If so, I'll just electrocute the bugger for ya. Relax man, the real challenge begins on the airport.
Grid: I don't even want to think about that. And why are you being so nice to me?!
Jin: You've asked that question too much, lay back man! Take a nice little nap.
Grid: URGH.

Proceed to Wall of Text


Domino: Rumors, go ahead.
Zippo: I don't know much. But there are stories that the Locker Bounty Hunter Service is founded by a Palangan. A mighty one, they say. He probably wanted all scum in one party to fight the same goal. Which is unknown though.
Domino: Ok, nice to knuw. But Why some Palangan called Jones?
Zippo: Well there is a human myth I've heard of. It's about a doomed monstrous Pirate Captain called Davey Jones. He once sailed the oceans of planet Earth, killing thousands of Human sailors on his path. People around there called a death by Davey Jones: 'Being send to Davey Jones' Locker'.
Domino: So a mythical Humen Palangan goos to this solar system, which is totally random. And uses the neme his human Groopies made up for a coorperation? Proceeds tu have a son, which is alsuw a Locker hunter. Get's wanted, and THEN I also shuw up in the picture? That is fuckin ferfetched Zippy.
Zippo: If we only knew the intentions of the Locker, it probably would make more sense.
Domino: I rether not find out! Zippo, we should've stayed Monster Hunters. Back to the good ol' timez!
Zippo: You are hauled in the Locker remember? Join or be killed. So was I, and so was our other team mate.
Domino: Yeah, because of this particuler situetian I am in I will be dead anyways, just a metter of time.
Zippo: You are being so negative!
Domino: Which is normally yer task, Zippo why ar ye not bein negatif?
Zippo: Just rest for some days Domino, let's watch Noah's fight on the telly tomorrow. I am sure no hunters know you are here.
Domino: *sigh* Fine, but watch meh words. Tomurrow whil we watch Noah fight, some hunter cums wailin in.

After a While


Domino: Thanks fur everything Zipp.. Sorry for all these trubles I bring with meh though..
Zippo: It's alright Domino, I'm happy I bought that shirt when I saw it! It looks good on you.
Domino: But this soda testes horrible.'Rainbow flavor'? My ass, this is poop flavor.
Zippo: Yeah, I know. Some stupid ass pirate whore shove a pack under my nose. I just couldn't resist.
Domino: Resist the Soda or teh 'pirate whore'.
Zippo: Let's not get into that. But your situation.

Zippo: So if I am correct a HUMAN woman told you to go see me?
Domino: I think she meant yu yes.
Zippo: Are you sure it was a Human? 
Domino: I gess, pinky flesheh guys right?
Zippo: Woah, that would've been quite a bounty.
Domino: She seemed really powerfull. Besides, she helped me escape Zero Nihil.. So hunting her fur bounty was the lest I wes thinken of.
Zippo: You met Zero Nihil as well?! My Ac'haack, you get all the fun..

Zippo: Anyways, I saw a wanted poster for you on a wall in my district. Look.
Domino: Yeah I thought thet was the case.. But whu's that Palangan?
Zippo: Oh no..
Domino: What?
Zippo: That's Grid Jones! I'm not amazed people want him dead. But you? On the same poster? It makes no sense..
Domino: Never herd of that mofo.
Zippo: Not even his surname?
Domino: Uh... Jones.. Oh wait.. Isn't thet the founder of the Locker?
Zippo: Or at least, that's what the rumors say.



???: Oh hey, it is you!
Domino: No shit genious.
???: You look horrible.
Domino: Flettering as always, Zippo. Just let me the fuck in alredeh.
Zippo: I'm sorry Domino! wait a sec..

Fade in


Domino: Could ye plees let me in now?!
???: How can I know for sure you are Domino?
Domino: If you just upened the door you could just fucking look et me.
???: Even if you are her I don't want criminals in my house!
Domino: You are a criminel yourselv...
???: ...
Domino: Oh cmen! There was a hobo outside who wanted do somethen grose to my wounds, it stinks here and the graffiti is horrid.
???: Don't blame the Graffi- Wait you are wounded?
Domino: If ye opened the door you culd SEE et.
???: Just a moment..