Saturday, January 7, 2012



Now you shut up and listen to me, before I lose my fucking temper!
This world-No, This existance is on the verge of destruction!

For years I prepared!!! I travelled billions of light yea-no.. DECADES, around in fucking Time and Space just to find the person who could tell me what the fuck is going on!
She told me where to go and what to do! Not to just come here and get bullied by a fucking paradox version of myself!!!

So Miss. Celeb! You are going to do what I say, or I'm going to kick your ass to all edges of existence and back!
-What can I possibly do?! I'm nothing compared to you and your godly powers!
*sigh* I thought this was going to be easy.. BUT NOOOOOOO... Don't you remember, you dumb whale?!
YOU are supposed to protect me from getting killed! So follow my ass around and make sure it stays nice and pink!!! OR ELS-

-Yeah yeah, ass kicking around existence.... But..
-I can't just leave here! I have a profession! A mouth to feed!
Are you stupid?! I CONTROL FUCKING TIME.
-Oh yeah..
Understood everything?!
-Yeah yeah! I'll come! Just don't hurt me!!

My god! I can't believe we were once the same person!!!

-So it's true!
Then stop acting like you don't know what's going on!
-Jesus fuck! Give me a little break here! I was into thi-your shit YEARS ago!