Sunday, June 17, 2012

Go Round and Round


???: Ma'am I'm in the bus with Jones and some friend of him. Shall I come to action?
???: Good job Qi'Dao! Are there any bounty hungry looking figures there as well?
Qi'Dao: No Ma'am, We are the only ones. And I think Grid wants to flee from this world just as you said he would.
???: Yes, good. Then do as planned. Be nice to him though, I bet he is really scared right now.
Qi'Dao: I shall try miss!
???: Thank you for the heads up Qi'Dao, have a safe flight back.
Qi'Dao: I will Ma'am! Have a good show tonight!
???: Hehe thanks, bye!

The Wheels of the Bus-


Grid: Yeah let's take the bus to the airport. Best idea ever. And why is a bus driver accepting weaponry in here?!
Jin: You don't know anything of this planet do you, it's a butt hole filled with criminals. The bus driver just doesn't want your sword down his throat.
Grid: Still, see that guy over there? I bet he's onto my bounty. I can just feel it.
Jin: If so, I'll just electrocute the bugger for ya. Relax man, the real challenge begins on the airport.
Grid: I don't even want to think about that. And why are you being so nice to me?!
Jin: You've asked that question too much, lay back man! Take a nice little nap.
Grid: URGH.

Proceed to Wall of Text


Domino: Rumors, go ahead.
Zippo: I don't know much. But there are stories that the Locker Bounty Hunter Service is founded by a Palangan. A mighty one, they say. He probably wanted all scum in one party to fight the same goal. Which is unknown though.
Domino: Ok, nice to knuw. But Why some Palangan called Jones?
Zippo: Well there is a human myth I've heard of. It's about a doomed monstrous Pirate Captain called Davey Jones. He once sailed the oceans of planet Earth, killing thousands of Human sailors on his path. People around there called a death by Davey Jones: 'Being send to Davey Jones' Locker'.
Domino: So a mythical Humen Palangan goos to this solar system, which is totally random. And uses the neme his human Groopies made up for a coorperation? Proceeds tu have a son, which is alsuw a Locker hunter. Get's wanted, and THEN I also shuw up in the picture? That is fuckin ferfetched Zippy.
Zippo: If we only knew the intentions of the Locker, it probably would make more sense.
Domino: I rether not find out! Zippo, we should've stayed Monster Hunters. Back to the good ol' timez!
Zippo: You are hauled in the Locker remember? Join or be killed. So was I, and so was our other team mate.
Domino: Yeah, because of this particuler situetian I am in I will be dead anyways, just a metter of time.
Zippo: You are being so negative!
Domino: Which is normally yer task, Zippo why ar ye not bein negatif?
Zippo: Just rest for some days Domino, let's watch Noah's fight on the telly tomorrow. I am sure no hunters know you are here.
Domino: *sigh* Fine, but watch meh words. Tomurrow whil we watch Noah fight, some hunter cums wailin in.

After a While


Domino: Thanks fur everything Zipp.. Sorry for all these trubles I bring with meh though..
Zippo: It's alright Domino, I'm happy I bought that shirt when I saw it! It looks good on you.
Domino: But this soda testes horrible.'Rainbow flavor'? My ass, this is poop flavor.
Zippo: Yeah, I know. Some stupid ass pirate whore shove a pack under my nose. I just couldn't resist.
Domino: Resist the Soda or teh 'pirate whore'.
Zippo: Let's not get into that. But your situation.

Zippo: So if I am correct a HUMAN woman told you to go see me?
Domino: I think she meant yu yes.
Zippo: Are you sure it was a Human? 
Domino: I gess, pinky flesheh guys right?
Zippo: Woah, that would've been quite a bounty.
Domino: She seemed really powerfull. Besides, she helped me escape Zero Nihil.. So hunting her fur bounty was the lest I wes thinken of.
Zippo: You met Zero Nihil as well?! My Ac'haack, you get all the fun..

Zippo: Anyways, I saw a wanted poster for you on a wall in my district. Look.
Domino: Yeah I thought thet was the case.. But whu's that Palangan?
Zippo: Oh no..
Domino: What?
Zippo: That's Grid Jones! I'm not amazed people want him dead. But you? On the same poster? It makes no sense..
Domino: Never herd of that mofo.
Zippo: Not even his surname?
Domino: Uh... Jones.. Oh wait.. Isn't thet the founder of the Locker?
Zippo: Or at least, that's what the rumors say.



???: Oh hey, it is you!
Domino: No shit genious.
???: You look horrible.
Domino: Flettering as always, Zippo. Just let me the fuck in alredeh.
Zippo: I'm sorry Domino! wait a sec..

Fade in


Domino: Could ye plees let me in now?!
???: How can I know for sure you are Domino?
Domino: If you just upened the door you could just fucking look et me.
???: Even if you are her I don't want criminals in my house!
Domino: You are a criminel yourselv...
???: ...
Domino: Oh cmen! There was a hobo outside who wanted do somethen grose to my wounds, it stinks here and the graffiti is horrid.
???: Don't blame the Graffi- Wait you are wounded?
Domino: If ye opened the door you culd SEE et.
???: Just a moment..

Saturday, February 18, 2012



What about your match tomorrow?!
-She'll be back by then.
But tomorrow I'm still hanging out with you.. right?
-When you time travel a lot you tend to create paradox versions of yourself..
But.. Wait, what..
-Don't worry Camo, I trust her... me.. whatever. I'm asking you to trust her too!
But?! But.. *sigh* Alright ma, just.. Just don't get yourself killed.
-Whaha, that's the least you should be worried about Camo.

And what about me?! You promised my compensation for my lost bounty!
-I will, Zero. I shall keep my promise. Just keep contact with me.
Yeah, and how am I supposed to contact you..
-You still have my phone number?
-Oh c'mon! I just know you have it, ehehehe.
..Yeah I do..
-Oh god why.

Are we done now?
-Yeah, see ya Camo!
Bye ma!

Friday, February 17, 2012



-I can't remember much from my human past.. 
I'm talking about our past, the time before we split up. When we were still that young naive time travelling girl. Who claimed to be the most badass pirate ever.
-A pirate? Yeah, I do remember that! 
Thank god you still remember! Give it some time for everything to come back. But we have to go now.

-Uh, yeah. Let's go!

Hey! But, MA?!

Saturday, January 7, 2012



Now you shut up and listen to me, before I lose my fucking temper!
This world-No, This existance is on the verge of destruction!

For years I prepared!!! I travelled billions of light yea-no.. DECADES, around in fucking Time and Space just to find the person who could tell me what the fuck is going on!
She told me where to go and what to do! Not to just come here and get bullied by a fucking paradox version of myself!!!

So Miss. Celeb! You are going to do what I say, or I'm going to kick your ass to all edges of existence and back!
-What can I possibly do?! I'm nothing compared to you and your godly powers!
*sigh* I thought this was going to be easy.. BUT NOOOOOOO... Don't you remember, you dumb whale?!
YOU are supposed to protect me from getting killed! So follow my ass around and make sure it stays nice and pink!!! OR ELS-

-Yeah yeah, ass kicking around existence.... But..
-I can't just leave here! I have a profession! A mouth to feed!
Are you stupid?! I CONTROL FUCKING TIME.
-Oh yeah..
Understood everything?!
-Yeah yeah! I'll come! Just don't hurt me!!

My god! I can't believe we were once the same person!!!

-So it's true!
Then stop acting like you don't know what's going on!
-Jesus fuck! Give me a little break here! I was into thi-your shit YEARS ago!

Friday, January 6, 2012

This is rather Confusing


Zero, holy shit. What the fuck is this abomination?!
-Excuse me?!
-This is the most horrible cosplay of me I've ever seen!
What?! Why would I cosplay you?!
-Because I'm awesome, that's why. But next to your crappy outfit, you pretty much nailed the hair..
Are you kidding me?! You must be the ego centric bitch I've ever met! And we have BARELY met!
-I am seriously offended by your presence.
I am seriously offended by the fact you are me!
-Oh! So that's what this is about! An insane woman who thinks she is me! Look people, it's the new form of stalking!
Yeah, let me be the hipster stalker. Did it before it was cool- OF COURSE NOT!!!

Why did I totally expect this to happen..
-Even with herself Noah manages to create drama.

Wait, are you telling me this bitch is actually me?!
-Yes Ma.
Yes Noah, this bitch is actually you. So ACTUALLY, you're offending yourself.
I'm confused.
-I tried..



Congrats Ma!
-Yeah, Congratulations on your victory Noah Green..
Holy shit! Look what the cat dragged in!
-Oh Noah.. no please, Shit.. NOT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!
I knew it! I knew you two were together!
Haha, he completely flips out. He didn't change a bit.
SHIT! Just, just don't make it more awkward. I'm not here for YOU!
Really? That's a shame. Everyone comes for me!

Ma, there's someone else for you.
Oh, who?
Oh god.



let this be the first of many Carraca's.



-As I said, my Gladiator is what you could call.. invincible. Not even your own brother could get the job done.
Yeah you know, just.. Fuck you Silvester.
-That's still Count Serena for you, Mr. Carraca.
-Let's head back to Morasia shall we..
I'm not your bitch, Serena. I have bussiness back on Caracasta.
-Don't you think about revenge Carraca, like last time.
I am not! Just.. just Aufhah'rha yu'rtsuha!

-Farewell then, Mr. Carraca. Until next time..

Thursday, January 5, 2012



Champion! You have fought very well! And proved us why you are the Champion once again!

Now! The audience wants to see blood! Give the people what they want, Champion!

-As they wish..
No! Please have mercy!
-Sorry Krako... just... answer me one question.
What the fuck do you want?!
-Your last name.
-Then I'm glad I have the oppurtunity to kill you. In front of many, MANY eyes.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012



There seems to be some sort of paradox going on. This Noah I met, seems to be from the past.
-Alright, but.. why?
I don't know yet. She doesn't want to tell. Se keeps saying that one day I will find out.
-Uh.. Ok. Why does she want to speak Ma?
I don't know that either, but we'll soon find out I guess.
Did your mother act strange lately? Or something else I should know?
-Well, nothing really!
Did she tell you about her past? Before she got you?
-Now you say so! She did yesterday! She was all serious about it. Really odd!
Ah, your mother seems to be smarter than I thought. She probably saw this coming.
-Wow! So it's true! Was Ma really a human one day?!

-Oh, seems the fight is over!

Meanwhile backstage


Yeah Ma! You got him now!
-Camo Green?
-Huh, you've grown quite some inches. 
ZERO! Oh my god! HUGZ!!!

Oh.. ok.. How did you get in here actually..
-The door.
...Did the guards get away again?! ARR-
-Someone wants to speak Noah after the fight.
Oh.. that's no problem! Who is it?
-Noah Green.
Hahaha, oh Zero I'm laughing my ass off!
-I'm dead serious kid.
...Oh.. Wait what.



And light enough to throw you away like this!
Now Krako.. Now it is up to the audience to decide over your destiny. Not the fighter... The most important rule of the Gladiator!



Your species; the Carast, are very light in weight. Light enough for me to hold you up like this!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Oh Snap!


Knowing your opponent is the key to be a good fighter, Krako.
You're not a melee fighter, which makes your wrists fragile. As I said; stop throwing those stupid gay fans of yours! Throwing shit around doesn't make you strong!

Sweet Catch!


The one underestimating, is you Krako.
Let me show you why I'm the Champion.



Oh no you didn't...



Time for your blood to join the walls!
-Urgh.. Buddy, I'm sorry to crush your dream. But the audience will decide over life or death.
Look at all the fucks I'm giving!
-You'll regret that..

Sunday, January 1, 2012



Oh Noah.. you piece of shi-
-Excuse me?
You should... stop sneaking up on people like that.
-I told you we would meet again Zero..
Fine, be oblivious like that.

-You know Noah as a personal friend right?
Why you wanna know?
-Could you arrange an appointment with her after her fight?
If she still lives, I could yeah.
-Don't worry, she'll be victorious.
Not with this shitty act she's playing!
-Well the crowd seems to like it.
*sigh* Get to the West entrance once the fight is over and I meet you there.
-Thank you Zero.