Saturday, December 31, 2011



Now I wonder: Why are you the Champion...
-Sp-spa-Sparrows!!! <3



-This is why I'm second best! So stop fucking around, Bitch!



BWEH! Are you really the 2nd best?!

Fans are for sissy's


Oh Jesus, don't throw your gay fans at me and fight me like a man!
Haha! Come at me bro!

Thursday, December 29, 2011



Hell fucking yes?! Don't underestimate me!
You stupid troll!
-I sure am underestimating you darling~ 
-Sure you will! Just like last time.. when the audience kept you alive?





Hell fucking yes...



Today another gladiator who thinks he can match the Champion!!

Today Krako the 2nd best will aim for the title! Will our Champion once again kill off her competition?!








Why are you coming with me anyways?
-Nah, I'm bored.
Bored enough to get killed for it?
You sure, you don't want revenge for shooting your wings up?
-I'm not THAT immature fishy. I don't give a fuck. They will heal up soon enough..
-Geez! Happy thoughts pal! MORASIA HERE WE COME!!!
Yeah! I guess..

Wednesday, December 28, 2011



Huh, this thing sure is strange.. 
-It gives me the creeps, throw it away and let's leave!
-What no?! Look at it! I can see space!
It.. It talks to me..
-...Great.. want a cup of tea to go with your talking sword so you can discuss.. slicing and dicing?!
No..It.. it tells me to take it with me!
-If that thing starts murdering us I kill it!
It's just a sword.. It can't do any harm without someone holding it!
-Yeah, just like talking!

-Ok forget it. Take that stupid thing and let's get the fuck out of here.



The Palangan.. are from Palanga..
-That's a planet I suppose?
Yeah.. It's in a different solar system.. It's strange how no one knows where that system is!
-We ask other Palangan? My friend at the bar is a Palangan too!
I'm afraid he won't tell you the story bro.. The Palangan who you see fled or are from the next generation.
-Fled from what?
The Agadonian I'm guessing.. They are from Agadonia, which is a planet in the same system as Palanga.
-What the hell happened that they fled?!
I don't know, and the people who do don't dare to talk for some reason..

Hey what's that?
That sword! I didn't know you had a sword... It looks.. weird..
-I don't have a sword- oh?!

The Kiriki System


Alright kid, listen. As I just said The Kiriki system counts 5 planets. 3 on which there is sentient life and two on which life is impossible.
Next to that this system is quite special next to others we know because ours counts two suns! A small one which circles around the big one. This explains why our planets are way hotter than Earth for example. A planet from the Solar system.
-Earth? Solar System?
Yes! Another system which has sentient life. It counts more planets than our system.. But only one with life: Earth. That's where the humans come from.
-Oh ok.. But what about the Kiriki system?
Oh yes. Three planets with life; Morasia, Ciaroika and Caracasta.

Morasia is what we call the purple planet, its the closest to the suns. Life would be impossible due to the heat of those if there wasn't that purple cloud which surrounds the planet. This cloud of fog cancels a lot of heat, which makes life possible here. Morasia has one moon which stands very close to the planet somehow... A Morasian full moon is a 
 a lot of people want to see! It almost covers the whole sky! 
-That sounds beautifull.. 
Yes! Now, the next planet is Ciaroika. It's a small one.. The Ozon layer is so thick that the sky has a light green hue. Really strange, it's why we call it the green planet! It's hot there though.. Hotter than on Morasia! Due to that Ozon layer.. Next to that Ciaroika isn't that special, its a multicultural piece of shit. 
Yeah a lot of different creature species from all over the universe live here. But why, is a lesson for later!

-Ok, what about Caracasta?
Carasta is the Blue planet. And relative cold compared to the others. It's the biggest of the three! Caracasta is famous for the sweet seas. Strange.. because every other planet with water has salty seas!
-Why is that?
I don't know everything...
-Oh ok, please continue!

Yes, next up is the Veil. Its a bunch of astroids which circles around those three planets and the suns. On this veil life seems impossible.. BUT! It's where I come from!
Yeah my species is quite impressive... Every other species is known to have lungs, and requires oxygen to breath. But we.. We have 'dynamos' for lungs. These generate electricity which makes our heart pump blood instead of breathing! Because of this we can fly trough space and live on astroids... and moons!
-That sounds awesome..
Quite awesome right? But fine.. next we have TY 0248 and TY 2172. These circle around the Veil. Those planets are gas giants. I guess because there isn't ANYTHING they didn't bother giving them proper names ehehe~

And that's pretty much everything I can tell you about the Kiriki system.
Whoa..But..uhm.. I have a question..
-Where do Palangan come from?
...Oh boy..

Tuesday, December 27, 2011



So that's the person who was on the same poster as me?
-Yeah.. Hmm.. if she's born in 2048... She's around 21 I guess.
-I dunno, just analyzing the information..
Morasia? What's that anyways?
-Oh Astrul, they didn't teach you topographics as well?! You're impossible to work with..

-Morasia is one of the 5 planets in this solar system. The Kiriki system!
Oh ok.. You should tell me more about that!
-Do I hear some enthousiasm there?
-Ehehehe~ No worries kid. I'll teach you! But first my plan to get the fuck out of here!
My guess is that we travel off to the city Krush'nak on Morasia? Domino could use our help! And she could help us too.. Maybe she knows more about all this!
-Exactly! But it will be a dangerous trip.. Since I see you don't have any form of space travel.
Eh.. Only high rank Hunters get a space ship..
-Oh Astrul.. that means we're gonna need to take civillian travel........
It's better than staying here doing nothing. And being tracked down by hunters after a while.
-That's the spirit! What about this sudden mood swing fishy?!
I don't know, I'd like to learn more about where I live, and maybe could have lived. Who I am. I have the feeling this situation will teach me alot if I just go with the..
-*sigh* It's such a shame a nice fish like you got raised like a robot..
...I'm not a robot! Stop about the brainwashing thing!
-Bweh, fine. Now prepare for your first lesson in topography!



I love what you did with this place!
-I barely did anything to it..
Ehehehe~ Exactly my point.
-...You can go away now. Thanks for humiliating me back there.
Oh geez so thankfull for saving you. Aren't you curious what's going on, anyways?
Exactly fishy, you are curious! And I, the great Thunder Dragon got your answers!
-Let me guess, you want revenge? You brought me to my home to kill me in silence?
....I'm facepalming fishy, look at the claw print I left in my face..
-Then spit it out already you yellow dipshit.
Lol you have quite a grumpy attitude and colorfull language ahahaha!
-I eager to shoot you...

Haha- AHEM sorry. I was reading a paper earlier today.. and saw a big wanted notice for you and some other chick.
-Well I kinda sorted that out already.. But I'm not the only one?
Nope! ~Oooh nice.... Screen... Is that a computer?
-Yes. Don't touch it you walking short circuitry.
Ehehehe~ I like that one.. Walking short circuitry..
-You got any NEWS?!
Oh yes, I met a human on my way to your battle... She told me to protect you from harm and flee to somewhere.
-And you believe a creature I'm unfamiliar with?
...You don't know what a human is?! Oh Astrul, so the Locker DOES brainwash their elite hunters...
-I'm not brainwashed!

Yeah whatever kid..ANYWAYS! Let's find out who that other person is I saw in the news paper! If I remember correctly her name is Domino Fletcher. I guess you can search her name in the Locker database?
-I can try, but I still have no idea what you want to achieve with this information..
I have some ideas, just let me think this out and get that information for me!



There, and stay calm now or I'm pausing you again!
Urggh... What just happened?! WHERE'S MY PREY?!
I let her get away.
Shit.. you really are that Time Traveler aren't you.
*cough* This smoke is getting pretty thick..
Yes indeed, but before we're going. Can I ask you a favor?
*sigh* What is it?
I want you to go to Ciaroika and keep an eye on my counterpart.
*cough cough* The Gladiator Noah Green?
*cough* ok *cough* And I just want you to know it's dangerous to walk around... being human and all... Watch your ass in this solar system. *cough cough cough*
In this solarsystem they kill a human on sight.
Oh my..
*cough cough* ok I can't take it *cough* anymore *cough* let's get going! *cough*

Sunday, December 25, 2011



-Noah are you playing pranks on me again?! You've painted your skin like a human before and I believed it... But not this time!
I am not the Noah Green you have in mind, I'm afraid.
-The only Noah Green I know hes a bleck and white skin and pointeh ears. And doesn't wear skirts...
I don't have the time to explain this now. You have to believe me on my word.
-Ye do hev the same hair-do though..
Enough chatter! Listen up..
-Can I get back to killi-

Alright, Domino; you have to leave.
Zero, please understand. You shall be compensated one day.
-Yeah Noah, cut your prank. It isn'r in any way believable. Imma kill this young lady and get pay-
*sigh* Sorry Domino.
-Uh... it's ok I gess.. What did ye do to him to shut him up?
I stopped his time for a while.
I'm a Time Traveler. I can control the flow of time around you and me.. And I just 'paused' Zero for a while.

But fine, Domino; you have a lot of questions. For example, Why all this is happening. I will explain you a lot of those questions one day. But now you need to flee and wait for someone to arrive.
-Flee tu where?!
Your friend who always hides his skin.
-Uh...Can you... not speak in riddlers pleese?
Also, your friend can answer some of your questions.
Now go, I'll take care of my friend Zero here.
-...Farewell then?
No, not farewell. We shall meet again some time in the future!
-See ye then..

Saturday, December 24, 2011



How awesome ye may be, I'm nut gunna die by yer blade!
-Then what about a cannon blast?!



-Finally... Now take a step backwards you two and no more fighting.
-Wait a second, Noah Green?! Is that you?!
Noah Green? What?! WHERE?! That's NOT the Noah Green I know!
-Oh boy, I expected this would happen..





You're gunna get trubble with the Locker officials for damaging their propertiez!!
-Nah, I don't think they will... you don't know who I am.. do you?
Crazeh motherfucker with the gay blue manes?
-I'm the most feared Locker hunter from Ciaroika you bitch.
Wait, you're Zero Nihil?! Man.. If I wasn't on yer hitlist right now I'd ask for yer autograph..
-Yeah, look at the fucks I'm giving. Any last words I can pass on to loved ones?



-Who knew holo computers are so explosive?



Now lets find out which fuckass put meh up wanted!


Shit the computer is stuck! LOUSY SLUW COMPUTERS ARGH!!!

You have quite some nerve to come here...
Ha! Busted!



Nice... I shuld use winduws more often.. Ehehe..

Luckily most Hunters are to stupid to even read their uwn name. So almost no une uses thise damn computers.



Shit... Lousy hunters! Even et night they're ere!... 
If I'm right... the computer ruum must be et the most left winduw...

Friday, December 23, 2011



Let us succeed in our quest!
-Yeah.. let's succeed...*sigh*

Chapter 3


On Earth, in a time where the pyramid still has its golden touch, two Travelers meet~ 
-I'm on time?
Correct, my Captain!~ You are on Time~ 

-Good, then... shall we leave?
Yes we shall!~ in flows of Time and Space we shall leave upon our journey beyond Void!~ 

-Can you... stop playing that violin and singing? Just tell me where to go..
AHEM- Fine.. 

-Thank you, not that it sounds bad or something.. I just heard it too much.
Yeah whatever.. listen up to my directions! 

-I'm listening Noah.
First we shall go to the planet Morasia. To the city called Krush'nak. To be more precise; the Locker office of Krush'nak.. 

-Ok.. I can do that.

End of Chapter 2




Cryo? CRYO?! Answer me! Why did the video stream black out?! 

Now now Raffa. Calm down and get your act together. You have a job to do.
-!!!! D- Dia-
Silence! Now, Cryo is alright... Knocked out, but alright. Since this plan failed miserably.. I want you to focus on Domino Fletcher instead. I will take care of Grid Jones.. myself...
-Yes! Ofcourse!
And don't let your subordinates fail me again.
-Ofcourse Diab-
Don't say my name! I will now terminate the connection..

-Connection Terminated-

Grid won't be prepared for my assault.. Unless...

Bye bye Hot Shot!~


AH! She's still shooting!
-No worries my fishy friend! I spied on your battle previously and noticed she has a terrible aim~ ehehe.
Now tell me Grid; where's your place?



Fuck yes! I'm getting better at aiming this thing!
Well fishy, at first just watching- you know, fuck this. I need to tell you this later.
-What's going on?!
Get on my back!
-Oh no! You're not getting away!





Time to end this-