Sunday, December 25, 2011



-Noah are you playing pranks on me again?! You've painted your skin like a human before and I believed it... But not this time!
I am not the Noah Green you have in mind, I'm afraid.
-The only Noah Green I know hes a bleck and white skin and pointeh ears. And doesn't wear skirts...
I don't have the time to explain this now. You have to believe me on my word.
-Ye do hev the same hair-do though..
Enough chatter! Listen up..
-Can I get back to killi-

Alright, Domino; you have to leave.
Zero, please understand. You shall be compensated one day.
-Yeah Noah, cut your prank. It isn'r in any way believable. Imma kill this young lady and get pay-
*sigh* Sorry Domino.
-Uh... it's ok I gess.. What did ye do to him to shut him up?
I stopped his time for a while.
I'm a Time Traveler. I can control the flow of time around you and me.. And I just 'paused' Zero for a while.

But fine, Domino; you have a lot of questions. For example, Why all this is happening. I will explain you a lot of those questions one day. But now you need to flee and wait for someone to arrive.
-Flee tu where?!
Your friend who always hides his skin.
-Uh...Can you... not speak in riddlers pleese?
Also, your friend can answer some of your questions.
Now go, I'll take care of my friend Zero here.
-...Farewell then?
No, not farewell. We shall meet again some time in the future!
-See ye then..