Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Kiriki System


Alright kid, listen. As I just said The Kiriki system counts 5 planets. 3 on which there is sentient life and two on which life is impossible.
Next to that this system is quite special next to others we know because ours counts two suns! A small one which circles around the big one. This explains why our planets are way hotter than Earth for example. A planet from the Solar system.
-Earth? Solar System?
Yes! Another system which has sentient life. It counts more planets than our system.. But only one with life: Earth. That's where the humans come from.
-Oh ok.. But what about the Kiriki system?
Oh yes. Three planets with life; Morasia, Ciaroika and Caracasta.

Morasia is what we call the purple planet, its the closest to the suns. Life would be impossible due to the heat of those if there wasn't that purple cloud which surrounds the planet. This cloud of fog cancels a lot of heat, which makes life possible here. Morasia has one moon which stands very close to the planet somehow... A Morasian full moon is a 
 a lot of people want to see! It almost covers the whole sky! 
-That sounds beautifull.. 
Yes! Now, the next planet is Ciaroika. It's a small one.. The Ozon layer is so thick that the sky has a light green hue. Really strange, it's why we call it the green planet! It's hot there though.. Hotter than on Morasia! Due to that Ozon layer.. Next to that Ciaroika isn't that special, its a multicultural piece of shit. 
Yeah a lot of different creature species from all over the universe live here. But why, is a lesson for later!

-Ok, what about Caracasta?
Carasta is the Blue planet. And relative cold compared to the others. It's the biggest of the three! Caracasta is famous for the sweet seas. Strange.. because every other planet with water has salty seas!
-Why is that?
I don't know everything...
-Oh ok, please continue!

Yes, next up is the Veil. Its a bunch of astroids which circles around those three planets and the suns. On this veil life seems impossible.. BUT! It's where I come from!
Yeah my species is quite impressive... Every other species is known to have lungs, and requires oxygen to breath. But we.. We have 'dynamos' for lungs. These generate electricity which makes our heart pump blood instead of breathing! Because of this we can fly trough space and live on astroids... and moons!
-That sounds awesome..
Quite awesome right? But fine.. next we have TY 0248 and TY 2172. These circle around the Veil. Those planets are gas giants. I guess because there isn't ANYTHING they didn't bother giving them proper names ehehe~

And that's pretty much everything I can tell you about the Kiriki system.
Whoa..But..uhm.. I have a question..
-Where do Palangan come from?
...Oh boy..