Tuesday, December 27, 2011



There, and stay calm now or I'm pausing you again!
Urggh... What just happened?! WHERE'S MY PREY?!
I let her get away.
Shit.. you really are that Time Traveler aren't you.
*cough* This smoke is getting pretty thick..
Yes indeed, but before we're going. Can I ask you a favor?
*sigh* What is it?
I want you to go to Ciaroika and keep an eye on my counterpart.
*cough cough* The Gladiator Noah Green?
*cough* ok *cough* And I just want you to know it's dangerous to walk around... being human and all... Watch your ass in this solar system. *cough cough cough*
In this solarsystem they kill a human on sight.
Oh my..
*cough cough* ok I can't take it *cough* anymore *cough* let's get going! *cough*