Tuesday, December 27, 2011



So that's the person who was on the same poster as me?
-Yeah.. Hmm.. if she's born in 2048... She's around 21 I guess.
-I dunno, just analyzing the information..
Morasia? What's that anyways?
-Oh Astrul, they didn't teach you topographics as well?! You're impossible to work with..

-Morasia is one of the 5 planets in this solar system. The Kiriki system!
Oh ok.. You should tell me more about that!
-Do I hear some enthousiasm there?
-Ehehehe~ No worries kid. I'll teach you! But first my plan to get the fuck out of here!
My guess is that we travel off to the city Krush'nak on Morasia? Domino could use our help! And she could help us too.. Maybe she knows more about all this!
-Exactly! But it will be a dangerous trip.. Since I see you don't have any form of space travel.
Eh.. Only high rank Hunters get a space ship..
-Oh Astrul.. that means we're gonna need to take civillian travel........
It's better than staying here doing nothing. And being tracked down by hunters after a while.
-That's the spirit! What about this sudden mood swing fishy?!
I don't know, I'd like to learn more about where I live, and maybe could have lived. Who I am. I have the feeling this situation will teach me alot if I just go with the..
-*sigh* It's such a shame a nice fish like you got raised like a robot..
...I'm not a robot! Stop about the brainwashing thing!
-Bweh, fine. Now prepare for your first lesson in topography!